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Venerdì, 13 Dicembre 2024
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Enzo Hruby Foundation

Video Ufficiale Fondazione
The Enzo Hruby Foundation, the only one of its kind in Italy and in Europe, was set up in Milan in 2007 and was officially endorsed at national level by legal persons pursuant to Presidential Decree 10/02/2000, n. 361.
The Foundation takes its name from Enzo Hruby, the founder and current President of HESA S.p.A., who in the second half of the Sixties first introduced electronic security in Italy.
The Enzo Hruby Foundation is a nonprofit organization that pursues goals characterized by social value. Its aim is “promoting a security culture conceived as the protection and security of public and private properties in particular with respect to the artistic, monumental, historical and countryside heritage by the use of appropriate technologies”.
The Enzo Hruby Foundation assumes the costs of the installation of the security systems of some major cultural heritage landmarks.
In order to achieve its institutional goals, promotes studies, research, seminars, conferences and publications on the issues of security and correct use of available technologies.
The Foundation's initiatives include “H d’oro” Award, whose aim is to honour every year the best security installations made, and the quarterly magazine EHF – Sicurezza per la cultura (EHF – Security for culture), its official organ.